Monday, November 28, 2016

Happy Mets Birthday in Quotes to Wes Westrum

Everyone knows who the first manager of the Mets was---The Old Professor, Casey Stengel. However the trivia question of the day is who was the second manager of the Mets? The answer is the recipient of today's Mets baseball quote of the day---Wes Westrum.

Wesley Noreen Westrum took over as the Mets manger in late August of 1965. He managed the team in 1966 and then left  the team with eleven games left in the 1967 season.

He was a long time New York Giants catcher who was well regarded for his defense. One another great attribute of Westrum was his sense of humor. He has provided many a funny quote over the years

Today's Mets Birthday Quote of the day is a classic baseball quote from Westrum

"Baseball is like church. Many attend but few understand."

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